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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Romaria - Aníbal Raposo

Nesta altura do ano em que caminham pelas estradas de São Miguel os Romeiros, achei de uma simplicidade e beleza o sentimento de Aníbal Raposo, que partilho com a autorização do autor.


Na longa caminhada que se aproxima
Procurarás afinar a tua alma
Pelo grande diapasão
Do universo.

Tu sabes bem que ele existe
E que alguém o faz vibrar.

Ao terceiro dia de jornada
Quando voares nas asas do cansaço
Abre bem os teus ouvidos
Ao seu som único,

Ao pressentires que o teu coração pulsa
Na mesma frequência,
Esboça um sorriso.

Atingiste a paz.

Aníbal Raposo
Ponta Delgada, 2012-02-26


Presented by: Azores.TV
Sponsored by:
Production: Tiago Ribeiro
Music: "Origens" - Rafael Carvalho
Special thanks to: Grupo de Romeiros de Santo António e São Pedro Nordestinho (Nordeste).
Azores.TV © 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fábrica da Baleia em São Vicente Ferreira, São Miguel, Açores

In 1993, I had an opportunity to take some of the last photos of the whaling processing plant in São Vicente Ferreira, S. Miguel, Azores. The plant was built in 1945 and processed whales caught off the coast from port at Capelas, until the early 1970's.
Since then, the plant was demolished and a swimming area was built to serve the local population. 
Unfortunately, all the contents of the plant were lost, except for those that are held in private hands. Additionally, government leaders of the time, did not recognize the importance of  establishing this as a museum, to allow visitors to view what was once part of the livelihood of the whale hunters of the time.
And, oh yes, part of the mysticism of visiting the plant while it was in operation, was the smell that lingered in your clothes and body. 
I hope that you enjoy this bit of history!

Music: From the Album -  Espírito Santo Vem
A actividade baleeira na ilha de São Miguel, designadamente na freguesia das Capelas, teve o seu início já no decorrer da segunda metade do século XIX.
É no lugar conhecido por “Calhau Miúdo” que se instalam as primeiras e rudimentares indústrias que laboram as baleias (cachalotes) ali chegadas a reboque das canoas da “ Companhia Velha” e da “Companhia Nova”.
A partir de um processo de fusão e alienação destas companhias surge a Companhia das Armações Baleeiras que deslocaliza a actividade para a nova e moderna fábrica construída no lugar dos Poços, que, vai funcionar desde 1945 até ao princípio da década de setenta, data em que encerra as portas, quando a actividade baleeira já era fortemente criticada por instâncias internacionais.

A caça à baleia que se desenvolvia nas Capelas era apoiada por uma vasta rede de vigias sitiadas ao longo das costas de São Miguel, enquanto a actividade industrial – derreter e destilar gorduras para óleos e moagem de ossos e carnes para farinhas – encontrava complemento em pequenas unidades espalhadas um pouco por toda a ilha.

Esta actividade tinha lugar essencialmente no Verão, mas os baleeiros já usufruíam de uma garantia salarial para os meses de Inverno, privilégio que associado ao facto de poderem repartir os lucros do âmbar encontrado no interior das baleias, produto de grande valor comercial na indústria de perfumes, tornava os baleeiros pessoas merecedoras de grande respeito.
Sem quebra de rigor na descrição desta actividade profissional, nomeadamente no estatuto social dos baleeiros e da coragem e dureza que requeria, o facto é que ela continua a ser muito mitificada e fantasiada, situação que acaba por impedir que seja analisada com o rigor histórico requerido.

Autor: André Viveiros (encontrado algures na net)


E como é Dia de Carnaval, aqui vai a última malassa! Que passem um bom dia e para os que vão à batalha das limas.....É pá vam aí úm... a! Corisca cousa, já me melharim tôde! LOL

Uploaded by joaobrandao1985 on Feb 22, 2012
Batalha D'água na Ilha de São Miguel Açores, Carnaval 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Lenda das Sete Cidades - Paródia

Nesta altura que estamos no Carnaval, vale a pena relembrar esta lenda!

Grupo de Teatro da Candelaria -

Monday, February 13, 2012

IN THE NAME OF LOVE - Humberta Araújo

I will
reopened the windows to make known
how the sun ecstatic savors the silky meadows
where the ashes of my dreams lay
scattered in every corner of the island
for you
I shall walk the rusty memories
undress those fears so long hidden
stuffed on the cracks of every stone wall
I shall rip those veils
to make known how the land shines
when the ocean comes on the shores of her mouth
thirsty of waters
while its moans awakening the core
of the land
by grief and liberation.
I shall unveil every birthmark
each shadow of untold sorrows
I shall bade your body
with the semen of the earth
natural fountains
we will become one
with the warm kiss of the land
on a Fall afternoon!

With the permission of:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

TANTO MAR - Manuel Alegre

Atlântico até onde chega o olhar.
E o resto é lava
e flores.
Não há palavra
com tanto mar
como a palavra Açores

Gostei, Roubei e Postei - IN Sónia Nicolau FB

C.T.A - Companhia de Transportes Aéreos

Uma história que vale a pena relembrar, e que em muitos casos não é conhecida. A T.A.P.não foi a primeira companhia de aviação portuguesa.
Convido-os a visitar este blogue e ler sobre a tragétoria da C.T.A - Companhia de Transportes Aéreos.

Clique no link para abrir.

Clippers na Horta

Friday, February 10, 2012

Calheta Pêro de Teive-Arquivo Diomar Almeida-gravado por José Barbeiro 1987

Formidável! Que bela memória.Que belo arquivo!
Pena que não tenha havido visão para manter este porto piscatório, e utiliza-lo como uma atração túristica de PDL. Reconhecendo que era uma área problemáatica da cidade,tão fácil teria sido um bom arquitécto desenhar uma ponte sobre uma entrada para o porto, e manter a conveniencia da extensão da Avenida Marginal.
Que bom ourvir o mar e os ruídos duma então Ponta Delgada, meia adormecida!
Com vontade...tudo se fazia!

Into the late 1980's, Ponta Delgada had a small, picturesque fishing port in the area of Calheta on the what may have been considered, the almost outskirts of the city. Nearby was a small fish market where truly fresh fish was sold.
As the city grew, it was decided that the port should disappear and that an extension to the shore line avenue be extended. Thus Ponta Delgada lost an emblematic, and problematic area of the city.
It is unfortunate that foresight was not evident in the decision making of the time. I am sure that the avenue's extension could have been accomplished, be it with some sort of bridge, or other option that a good architect, could devise, yet maintain the post card feeling of the locale.
Meanwhile, for those who remember, this archival video is a wonderful way to reminisce and especially to hear the sounds of the ocean and of the Ponta Delgada of those days.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Power of the Spirit

San Diego's Saint Agnes Church is included in the book and counted with the participation of Donna Alves Calhoun, Virgina Correia and José Alves on behalf of the Portuguese Historical Center.

Great and exciting news, “The Power of the Spirit” is almost here.
Power of the Spirit, a history of churches in California, either built by Portuguese, or where Portuguese immigrants played a major role in their development into productive parishes and community gathering centers.
It has been a labor of love, filled with obstacles and research difficulties - seven years in the making! We finally see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel; the “Power of of the Spirit” manuscript is due out to the printer on March 30th. 2012. Publication and availability to the public are expected early Summer.
As with the other books in our Research Collection, Power of the Spirit will be published in a Deluxe Edition, and promises to be an intriguing capture of the spiritual fortitude of the Portuguese diaspora in early California.
The book focus is two fold: a) The church buildings, their pastors, their history and how they came into existence; b) The human stories, the drama, the sacrifices and indomitable spirit of the Portuguese communities in early California.

Be sure to follow our blog at www.PortugueseBooks.Org. for updates on the exact publication date of this important book.

Friday, February 3, 2012

"Legacy of Azorean Whalers" Presented by PALCUS (Portuguese American Leadership Council of the United States)

Not to be missed, make sure that you enter these dates on your calendars.
San Diego had an especially important participation in shore whaling in California, as chronicled in the book The Portuguese Shore Whalers of California 1854-1904 by David E. Bertão and published by Portuguese Heritage Publications of California and available at

PALCUS is proud to invite you to a series of events in California to view the traveling exhibit "Legacy of Azorean Whalers"

TRANSCENDING AN OCEAN AND NATIONAL BORDERS, a cultural bond was established by whalers centuries ago. A bridge of whale ships linked the nine islands to the continen­tal United States. This traveling exhibit introduces a larger, permanent exhibition at the New Bedford Whaling Museum designed to honor this legacy. The Azorean Whaleman Gallery chronicles the global contributions and impact of the Portu­guese speaking world on American maritime history.

Exhibits and Receptions at all locations are Free to all attendees.

San Diego
February 23 - 25, 2012
Point Loma Library, Hervey Branch
3701 Voltaire Street
San Diego, CA 92107

Exhibit opens at 12:00pm on Thursday the 23rd, and will remain open until Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 2:00pm.

A reception will be held on Saturday from noon till 2:00pm at the library's Community room. Guest speakers include James Russell, President of the New Bedford Whaling Museum and Dr. Filipe Porteiro from the University of the Azores.

February 29 - March 1, 2012
CSU Stanislaus
One University Circle
Turlock, California 95382

Details on reception TBD.

San Jose
March 3 - 4, 2012
Portuguese Heritage Museum
1650 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112-2599


U.P.S.E.S. Chapel Restoration Committe - José M. L. Alves

In the mid 1980's I served on the board of the U.P.S.E.S. Hall, San Diego, and was the chairman of the Chapel Restoration Committee.
Recently, I ran across the outline for the restoration, that included the members of the committe. Most of the objects were met and some are still kept.
In the following Christmas after the restoration, a "Presépio", "Lapinha" (nativity scene"), was built and opened to the public in the Chapel. The nativity scene was built by Francisco Gonçalves and myself, and contained many figurines that had been part of Mary Moniz's nativity scene, that she had built for may years in her home. It also contained more than 5,000 lights and was also the first time that the Chapel was illuminated in the outside. This tradition was maintained for several years, and in its later years was coordinated by Manuel Domingos.
The ladies that maintained the chapel open during the Christmas season were, Deutilde Varley, Helen Labruzzi, Virgina Correia, Phyllis Rose, Estela Pimental, and others that I do not recall.
Many visitors came to visit from mid December to King's Day on January 6. Many members of the Portuguese Community, brought their children and grandchildren to experience a tradition that was done in many homes in Point Loma, and had been lost. Unfortunately, this tradition was discontinued.
The was tradition started, while I was president and after the Portuguese Historical Center was moved to the U.P.S.E.S. Hall, for it had been started while the PHC was at the Upshur Street address. Most of the figures, that became part of the nativity scene at the Chapel, were the one's that were originally displayed at the PHC's "Presépio".
Today, the Chapel continues to be maintained, and is the focal point of the Festa do Espírito.

Chapel Restoration Committee


Jose Alves – Chair
Ed Brown
Phyllis Rose
Virginia Correia
Arnold Neves
Estela Pimentel
Joseph Silva
George Simas
Claire Alves


1. To bring Chapel to original historical condition
2. To create a descriptive plaque highlighting the history of the Chapel.
3. To create a descriptive historical brochure.
4. Maintain chapel open during Festa.
5. Control flow of donated bread to be sold or auctioned.


1. Repair water leaks and damage
2. Bring in electrical to meet the needs of Chapel usage
3. Repair ceiling
4. Repair stained glass cupolas

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Introspecção - João Luis de Medeiros

Ao regressar ao lar convidativo

meu refúgio quando estou cansado,

pergunta-me o lar bastante agressivo:

– O que procuras? Por onde tens andado…?

Eu sei lá – digo. Vivo mergulhado

num mar de ilusões… sempre pensativo.

Mas sigo a jornada preocupado

com o Destino do qual sou cativo…

Será natural tal preocupação?

Não seja apenas uma aspiração

dum futuro pleno de tranquilidade …?

Agora sim… se na realidade

só nasci para amar, ó humanidade

– contigo eu não sinto a solidão…

JLM (Abril, 1959)

João Luis de Medeiros reside em Rancho Mirage, Califórnia