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Friday, May 18, 2012

Opening day of the Portuguese Historical Center on Upshur Street in 1979.
In photo, Basílio de Freitas - President, Virginia Correia - Secretary, Joe Cabral - Board, Eunice Neves - Board, José M. L. Alves - Vice President and MC, Jorge Silva - Board, Rui César Silva - Board, Fernando Correia - Treasurer, Pedro Rocha Goulart - Board, Dr. Eduardo Mayone Dias - Keynote Speaker - Missing, Teresa Medina – Board member.
Abertura do Portuguese Historical Center, Upshur Street, San Diego, 1979.
Na foto,Basílio de Freitas - Presidente, Virginia Correia - Secretária, Joe Cabral - Vogal, Eunice Neves -Vogal, José M. L. Alves - Vice Presidente e MC, Jorge Silva - Vogal, Rui César Silva -Vogal, Fernando Correia - Tesoureiro, Pedro Rocha Goulart - Vogal, Dr. Eduardo Mayone Dias - Orador Principal - Ausente, Teresa Medina - Vogal.

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