A very well done documentary of the return of a German biologist who sixty four years earlier had spent time in Capelas and documented the shore whaling that was a way of life until 1974. The presentation is followed by the presentation of the original documentary.
Although it is in Portuguese, there are parts that have English subtitles and and can be easily followed. If you have an interest of the purely artisan method of shore whaling, this is well worth spending 45 minutes to view.
A production of RTP/Açores it shows well their capabilities.
Grande reportagem "Reencontro com as Baleias"(vídeo) - Notícias - RTP Açores Grande reportagem de Herberto Gomes com base no documentário publicado em 1964 sobre a caça à baleia nas Capelas. Em 1964 um jovem biólogo alemão veio aos Açores estudar as aves e acabou a filmar e realizar um documentário sobre a caça à baleia nas Capelas. Quase meio século depois, regressou a S.Miguel ; reencontrou-se com os antigos baleeiros e voltou a ver um cachalote.
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